Sunday, July 19, 2009

Training & Discipline

Many times and seasons in our life God allows us to go through times of discipline. The Christian life is a marathon and training for a marathon involves long runs to help develop perserverance. With our world quick gratification is what everyone wants. No one wants to wait for anything-we even get mad or upset and sometimes noticeably impatient if we have to wait in line for something! Imagine that-not being able to go right away-having to wait. When Jesus is molding us into Christlikeness he wont do it instantaneous. He loves us to much to do that. He knows that we must undergo training and seasons of learning. If we arent willing to wait on Him in these times we miss out in what has for us. God wont rush things even though we want him to-"Father knows Best". Sometimes the training can seem boring or dry and non-eventful but God works all things together for good. Hebrews 12:11 says that "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." So when you are going through a season of your life where you are undergoing training remember that it will produce fruit-fruit that will last!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


So much happening with CR! God is sending us new leaders and we are witnessing how God is changing peoples lives and healing them from stuff they have been carrying around for years. 15 people from CR are getting ready to do cardboard testimonies for our church-Highland Park and its going to be powerful!! He is faithful!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Celebrate Recovery Meetings

It seems like every Friday night and come home and think about what all God has done at Celebrate Recovery that night and just feel thankful for him moving in peoples hearts and lives. I can see lives that are being changed and challenged to grow closer to him and it spurs me on to want to be a better follower of Jesus. Our leadership is learning so much and growing in our quest to help equip others to beat their addictions and hangups. Each one of us is challenged every day to ask God to search our heart and ask him what he wants to renew in us. Its amazing what he is showing us-we are to stay humble and a servant for him and not to rely on ourselves but his Holy Spirit. Its then and only then can we stay empty of ourselves and watch him use all of us ordinary people to be vessels ready to set sail for him whatever it takes!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trusting Him

In listening to Pastor Brett today he reminded me that "Trust is rooted in Love". We can trust the God we serve becasue he loves us and wants the very best for us. Just like I want the best for my kids so does a loving heavenly father want the best for the children he created. The more I love God the more I believe that I will trust him. The more I trust him the less I will worry about things that I dont have any control over. Trust and obey-there is no other way!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path!! Just reading and remembering God's word is so uplifting and encouraging to my spirit!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God's Will

As I ponder and think about the will of God for our individual lives I often wonder where He will have our family in a year from now. We can think and think and try to put things together how it would be cool if God did this or that but I can always trust and know that "His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts". This brings peace and comfort and an underlying trust that the one true God that we serve is in Absolute control of our lives and cares about every small detail. He is almighy and powerful!