I was in unfamiliar territory the other day. I really had not visited this place very often and felt a little weird walking around here. Normally I know where to go and how to get around but this was a little different. I was in the fruits and vegetables section in Publix! I really hadn't frequented this area of the grocery store for several years. I know the bakery area far to well but this section was a little intimidating to me. The more I walked around the more comfortable I was. The more time I spent looking at each item and figuring out what it was and if I was going to put it in my buggy, the more things seemed to flow. God wants us to continue to be in a state of change with him as He transforms our hearts and minds into his likeness. He allows us to venture into unfamiliar territory which creates a stronger dependence on Him. The more time we spend with him, the more comfortable we are in his presence. He wants us to have an intense fellowship with him, unlike no other relationship in our lives. He wants us to be honest in our prayer time and reflective with his word. The next time I enter the fruits and vegetables section I will feel a little more confident that I know what I am doing. In the same way, each time I enter the presence of the Lord I feel like I know him a little better also. And thats a great thing!!