Monday, August 2, 2010

Night of Worship

It was quite an exciting night last night, August 1, as we all gathered together to worship our creator. We had fasted, prayed and came with expectant hearts and spirits, desiring what God had in store for us. God showed up and we were all in awe, from our heads down to our feet. Just being in God's presence in that setting, with that hunger, was like no other. Its hard to put into words! In fact, it was such an amazing experience, no one can put it into words.

I have never been in such a place as we were last night. The church came hungry and we left full. There were hands raised, hearts filled, desperate pleas answered and tears flowing. All because Jesus is alive and well and living out His plan in our lives.

God spoke to each of our hearts individually and personally. He wanted to get us in a place where we would hear his voice and submit to the bigger plan he has for our lives. By fasting, we were able to hear his voice and sense his presence loud and clear. He was even more real and alive in my heart. As I cried out to him I knew that our love affair had just gotten deeper. He filled me fresh with his joy and love. There is nothing like a good dose of Jesus and his mighty power, just when you need it. He is so worthy of all of our praise and all that we give him. May our hearts continue to seek after him and his perfect will for our lives!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Friends 2010

Our life Group got together and had a blast on Sunday evening celebrating our with our families eating and fellowshipping. We had tacos and the kids swam until they dropped. I was reminded of how God wired us for relationship and how much more "Full" life is when you invest with friends. Friendships help one'e soul to feel a sense of completeness and I cannot imagine life without them. Once you have tasted how good it is you can never go back, nor would you ever desire to do that. Once you have had the relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ you can't deny how awesome it is!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Life is meant to be experienced together! When we gather together and fellowship in His name its amazing what we see God do through other people. He speaks to us and shows us things about ourselves that He wants to work on. We are all in process, no one is exempt!! There is nothing more rewarding than discovering the rich full blessings in friendships. It fulfills Gods plan what we were absolutely created for. First, relationship with Him. Then relationship with others. It has to be in that order for if we get it backward we will start to lean on man and will end up getting disappointed. He wants all of us first. By doing this He shapes us in the way He wants us so we can have the relationships with others in the way He wants it to happen. God is sooooo Good to us!!!